Another 2½lbs this week which I am over the moon with. To get to my Christmas target, i need to loose 2lb per week, Which is doable. I have 29lbs to go and as long as I get some of the way there for Christmas I will be happy. I have 2½lb to loose for my next award which I would really like to try and do this week. I am going to be very good this week with only one meal out and try and get as much exercisie in as possible.
Allthough nearly had a major setback on the exercise front on Sunday, when I came a cropper from my sisters horse. I went out the back door !!! He is nearly 18hands, and I haven't fell off a horse for over 3 years and it was a very long way to fall. It was mainly hurt pride, but I was a little winded and have got some inner thigh strain, but I managed to soldier on and go to Spinning & Studio Strength on Sunday night. And I will get back on again, but may not be quite as adventurous as jumping next time......
Its spinning and the gym today, and going to go on the rower and go for 9mins 13 or lower as that is my personal best. Must do some good weights on the pullovers, as I gould really feel those on my triceps last week for about three days afterwards !!! Claire that i go to the gym with calls me the Punnisher... I cant think why LOL
I have been very good so far today and want to stay that way for the rest of the day, I had a bit of a disaster at breakfast as my bread was mouldy so I had to throw itaway after it was cooked, cause although the slice I tried to use did not have any mould on it, tasted vile , so my lovely breakfast had to go in the bin. So then i had no time at all to prepare anything else, so I had a muller lite yogurt.
Only snag was I was having mullerlite and fruit for my lunch today. Its a good job they were on offer in Morrisons. And actually I don't feel that hungry... at the moment, that will be all the grapes I have ate !! Going to have some melon before I go to the gym, then I can have what I want for tea tonight, almost. Infact I know my tea is 6 syns cause it is a Quorn Lasange that some one at Slimming world made for me. So really looking forward to that and will be able to even have it with a slice of bread, as breakfast went so wrong !!!
Going to try and limit my syns this week to 10 per day except for tomorrow when I have a tea allready prepared for me that I don't know what it is.
Feel very motivated for the week ahead, and really really want to loose this 2½lbs. Have got a christening on Sunday which could Hamper me slightly, allthough I am going to offer to drive and that should help the acohol syns.
this and that
7 years ago
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