Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Week 67 Weigh in

After staying on track all week Saturday was Pennistone show, managed to be good there by only succumbing to an ice cream. I ate my cob with no butter on it and not much else. Got home and just had fruit and a mullerlite yogurt. I didn't deliberately not have much food, it was just the way it worked out.
Sunday I went to a family christening which food wise was terrible. I ate fruit on the way there and was like a saint when I got home, so the damage limitation worked. I tried to make wise choices, but nearly everything was syns rather than free food.
But all that said all the good work in the week must have paid off as I lost 3½lbs. My total loss now is 8 stone 8lbs..... I am so chuffed. That keeps me on track for our Christmas target. I so want to do it, I have even said no to KFC before the pictures tonight, which for me is a big thing.

25lbs to target Woo Hoo

I have to try and be really good this week as where I fell off the horse last week I have a niggling back, and my lady that sorts it for me is on holiday, so not sure when she will be able to mend me. Hoping it will be this week cause i need to get back in to full exercise mode to keep this last 25lb comming off.
I am spinning tommorrow and Thursday, so that will hepl, and spinning doesn't seem to annoy it... thank god.
Never heard anything about Slimming World Woman of the year, which even a no would have been nice when it took 3 hours to fill in the entry form. I really took time putting loads of info in it. Oh well lesson learned.

Motivation is very high this week and i am still on track and the desire to to it is as strong as ever


Paul said...

Hi Nic,

Tremendous progres, how do you keep doing so well? Wish I could get it together again like you do.

Just a little question though, who are you waiting to get back to you, is it Head Office or your Consultant re. Woman of Year?


nicnack31 said...

Thanks... It is hard but easy at the same time if that makes any sense at all. It is just a case of being organised. Which I never was before !!!

I am waiting to hear from either slimming world or my consultant, i have asked my consultant and says she hasn't heard anything either. It was just the form was so long it took ages to fill in LOL
But i suppose I am a winner anyway with loosing the 8½ stone..... Just got to stick at it and keep going.

Have a great weekend and hope weigh in goes well today